
第二十六章 crazy

after o days' rest, a ch of special eipnt of evil spirits has bee by w overti

as on as these eipnt are produced, they will bethe hands of id

after fightg with evil spirits, liha has plenty of huan nature his hands!

after upgradihere will be ore than 4000 surps!

after purifyich of special eipnt of evil spirits, oscar's sed of spaign began!

this ti, ostire fantry tea expaly, addg nearly 600 troops!

addition, the ldiers and s whathered tother ahe d, at this ti, there were ore than 2000 ldiers under his and, jt the fantry!

such a ajestiakes oscar full of ce it sees that today he will terattack the city of delban!

id is cautioly optiistic about this

after all, the other side has the level of ibals when the real decisive battle starts, it is ua what onsters will e out

oreover, the roops a by the evil spirits is far ore thaed!

facts have proved that apollo's trobably servative, and the nuber of evil spirits they have killed now is hahundred!

liha has to discs this ic with a

h that oscar sees to have gathered a lot of people, he had d said frankly

“h well, ag to our war situation that day, the other side did have nearly 3000 troops, and about 2000 ldiers aered the city“

id shakes its head

“it's ipossible the other side d such troops to attad harass at will i' afraid there are ore than othoand evil spirits guardiy of derban!“

fag this situation, oscar al frowed

“is it difficult the other side's follow-up troops have arrived to rerce?“

it is not ipossible for id to thk about it

hent task now is to id out the reality of the city of delban and forute strategies

whether it is a ick attack or a sloends ouatioy

the spider se this ti

“boss, the situation side is very chaotic! it's very y ul s't bear all kds of unds! ihardly t aelli i found it a r vil i of delban city“

said the spider ed enforation to transit tial t to id

liha was sho he heard the secret report!

“why should there be sug? theydo sug? no wonder hese evil spiritsalways serea of troops!“

id, who learhe ely uuation to oscar

oscar is al shocked!

“what?! they still have this ability! then howwe fight?“

liha didn't fall to despair he ordered the spider to taediately sent troops to et the id stord the outpost tow of the city of delban - own!


tless people are trolled by evil spirits like d sheep!

at the ohe trol of the evil spirit ary, they are like cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs i, aered by others

the horrible huaed the vils and towns

after the vil ied by evil spirits, the evil spirits it didgrass like those sall vils!

these evil spirits see to be subject to strict order trol there are p css evil spirits on the, whi their behavior

under sutrol, the people the vils and towns are only iprined, and a bat are taken away every day ahe sare ihe vils and towns

but are they happier than those who suffer frrazg the vils?


the sare ihe vil, there is a frighteng y of darkness ay - the tauren y!!

nichos, a young an ragd and dirty clothes, was beg held down by f and ugly evil spirits

although captured by evil spirits, his outh still shouted fearlessly

“s it! you aa go!“


before this life ah crisis!

what ade hi shout front of evil spirits regardless of his owy?

the blohe eyes of the youth, give the answer!

ah, that t be a higher price of love than life

i saw a young woan beg held down by several ugly evil spirits!

tear pull——

after aional craan's graceful body osed to the full view of the public!

for a ont, nichos scread hysterically you know, addition to those huan evil spirits, there are hundreds of people the vil!

these pe at his fiancee's body with horror and describable expression!



nichos isted and struggled like a l like crazy

“no no no you you td 't!“

“ha ha ha, no?! good thgs are for everyoo share! look at you selfish little an, how an you are!“

i saw that aong the any evil spirits, a tall evil spirit with bs stood out, and even said thg!

its evil sll is far ore powerful than other evil spirits!

this terrible dark ox head evil spirit showed a dark and deep sile on his face he uld walk to his stoach with a long gun under his crotch it seed that he was about to be public!

aong the evil spirits, this an has a reundg title - ad w!

crazy tauren!


crazy w!

ad w!

even aong the evil spirits who have destroyed [huan nature] ahe dark forces, the adextrely terrible existence!

wherever the ad w goes, the pure love god of war will !

let the world be trapled by the iroauren, no

it is to let all people share what they love - this is the great aspiration of ad w!

this is a great love beyond sall love!

surrouhe whole vil resideerrifyg tauren y began!

those vilrs who were rhed to the sare by evil spirits like s and ducks are holdih and have otions

what is this to do

ah, what are we gog to do

no no

nervoness, uneasess, fear, paion!!

“haas, haas, haas, haas -“

a sharp gasp rang out the sare

are you g

let's go

oh oh god, it's big

uo help it, one pulled up a fg his d a ag was raised!

seeg the s his eyes, the ad ot angry but pleased

“ha ha ha, you! e out!“


an astonishg foriddle-ad an!

the fat on his face shook and he was shocked

“ah - this this i“

“you what you, e out!“

ad tre akes fat iddle-ad people have no roo to resist

his legs a ft, ha ao the sare, shiverg

“y lord y lord what do you wao do“

ad w exulted

“hahahaha, what are you askg for? of urse it's this woan!“

“ah -“

the pp iddle-ad an was shod delighted!

haas, haas, haas——


